Climate and International Strategy: New Paths for Brazil

Clima e estratégia internacional

The paper “Climate and International Strategy: New Paths for Brazil” draws on consultations with over 70 actors from different sectors and proposes a strategy that intertwines climate action with inclusive and sustainable development, as well as the defense of multilateralism and a fair and effective global governance. Bilateral consultations were held with decision-makers and other […]

“A new Brazilian Foreign Policy for the climate and the environmental”, book chapter by Adriana Abdenur and Maiara Folly

Renascença: Política Externa Pós-Bolsonaro

Adriana Abdenur and Maiara Folly are the authors of the chapter “A new Brazilian foreign policy for the climate and the environment” (“Uma nova política externa brasileira para clima e meio ambiente”, in Portuguese), included in the book “Renascença: política externa pós-bolsonarista” (Renaissance: Foreign Policy After Bolsonaro), published by Instituto Diplomacia para Democracia. The book […]