CIPÓ at COP 27: interview to GloboNews

On November 20, 2022, CIPÓ Project Coordinator Marília Closs gave an interview to GloboNews about COP27. The topics covered included an assessment of negotiations, the loss and damage fund approved during the Conference, and perspectives for a new positioning of Brazil on environmental issues..
Folha de São Paulo highlights the release of the paper Climate and International Strategy: New Pathways for Brazil

The journalist Patrícia Campos Mello highlighted the release of the paper “Climate and International Strategy: New Pathways for Brazil”, the result of bilateral consultations with over 70 actors from many sectors, in an article on Folha de São Paulo in 11/15/2022. “The climate should be the new base for regional integration in South and Latin […]
The New York Times: CIPÓ comments on Lula’s stance in the environmental area

President Lula’s participation in (COP27) was featured in The New York Times, in the article: “Expectations Run High as an Exuberant Lula Speaks at Climate Summit.” Plataforma CIPÓ’s Executive Director, Adriana Abdenur, who was interviewed for the article, highlighted that Lula’s government will face difficulties in the environmental area, but achieving positive results it is […]
CIPÓ on Foreign Policy: At COP27, Lula paints the Brazilian foreign-policy aspirations green.

The document led by CIPÓ “Climate and international Strategy: New Pathways for Brazil,” was explored in the article “From BRICS to BIC: At COP27, Lula paints his foreign-policy aspirations green,” published in the Foreign Policy magazine. The article highlighted that the document served as a basis for the official speech of President Lula during COP27.
CIPÓ’s Programme comments about COP27 in an interview for GloboNews | #COP27

In an interview for GloboNews, CIPÓ’s Programme Director, Maiara Folly, commented that a financing mechanism to compensate developing countries for climate related losses and damages will take years to be put into practice. She also commented about the different expectations for Brazil’s participation at COP27: “On the one hand, there is a pessimism related to […]
CIPÓ launches paper “Climate and international strategy: New Paths for Brazil” in COP27

During COP27, CIPÓ launched the paper “Climate and international strategy: New Pathways for Brazil”. The document was delivered to authorities and experts on the issue, including President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, Minister Fernando Haddad, Minister Marina Silva, Ambassador Antonio Patriota, Senator Randolfe Rodrigues, activist Douglas Belchior, activist Angela Mendes, First Lady Janja da Silva, […]